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Mississauga Announces Unofficial By Election Results

Mississauga Announces Unofficial By-Election Results

Carolyn Parrish Elected as Mayor

Ward 5 and Mayor-Elect Results

The City of Mississauga has released the unofficial results of the 2024 By-election, with Carolyn Parrish emerging victorious in the mayoral race. Parrish, a former Liberal MP and Ward 5 councillor, secured a strong majority, signaling a shift in Mississauga's political landscape.

In a close race for the Ward 5 seat, Parrish's former colleague, Stephen Dasko, came in fourth with over 22,000 votes. Other notable candidates included Brian ...

Parrish's victory is seen as a triumph for Mississauga residents. Her campaign focused on addressing affordable housing, improving public transit, and enhancing community services. She has vowed to work diligently to fulfill her campaign promises and represent the interests of all Mississauga citizens.

Official Swearing-In Ceremony

The official swearing-in ceremony for the new mayor and Ward 5 councillor will take place on March 15th, 2024. At that time, Carolyn Parrish will formally assume her role as mayor, and the Ward 5 councillor-elect will commence their term.

The by-election was triggered by Parrish's resignation from Ward 5 to pursue her mayoral candidacy. As per provincial legislation, a by-election is held when a council seat becomes vacant during the current term of office.
